What dose a Wedding painter do?
As a wedding painter it is your duty to capture a couples vision and display it onto canvas. Therefore, the build-up to the wedding taking place is crucial for you and the couple to agree on the styling, capturing moments, and any background imagery they wish to stand out. To help you get started we have broken down some key questions to ask during the build-up, ensuring you are able to provide them with the artwork they envisioned.
1)What Style Of Painting Would They Like?
Most wedding couples will choose their preferred artist by looking at their portfolio and then pick the artists with the style that fits their criteria. As an artist you will most likely have one proffered style or maybe, you are talented enough to specialise in a few. If you do specialise in a few, the first step is to identify which one the couple would prefer for their special day. This ensures there are no surprises later down the line for both you and the couple.
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