I Do! Oil Painting: Live Wedding Portrait By Emily
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TheWeddingPainters.com is a UK based platform dedicated to everything wedding painting and has one simple mission: to help couples find their perfect wedding painter. Our large community of talented artists ensures you have the inspiration you need to choose the artist who is perfect for your special day.
I Do! Oil Painting: Live Wedding Portrait By Emily
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Renaissance Inspired Live Wedding Painting By John
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Beautiful Acrylic Wedding Painting by Ivy
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Digital Live Wedding Painting by Hannah
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Captivating Live Wedding Painting by Robin
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TheWeddingPainters.com is a UK based platform dedicated to everything wedding painting and has one simple mission: to help couples find their perfect wedding painter. We welcome artists who are completely new to the idea of live wedding painting looking to get involved, seasoned live wedding painters with years of experience, portrait artists eager to capture couple’s most cherished moments and guest illustrators who provide beautiful gifts for loved ones!
TheWeddingPainters.com also aims to increase the awareness of live wedding painting and is committed to ensuring every UK couple has the resources and ideas they need, to choose their perfect artist.
We believe that wedding paintings are such a special and unique way to capture one’s special moment. One which everyone should know about!
Explore an exciting new career path by joining our ever-growing community of artists, and enjoy the benefit of our helpful guides.
Our exciting and informative guides will provide you with the information and inspiration you need to begin your live wedding painting career.
We also welcome guest illustrators, and if live painting isn’t your style, join our growing community of wedding commission artists who create from the comfort of their own studio or home. If you’re unsure, reach out – we can’t wait to get to know you!
Learn more about live wedding painting and expand your skill set by reading our extensive live wedding painting blog posts. Whether you are just beginning your journey, or have done live wedding painting before, our guides are designed to help all experience levels.
Take a sneak peek to the world of live wedding painting by watching our short video from one of our very talented artists painting a beautiful wedding.
It would be our privilege to help you find the perfect artist for your wedding.
At TheWeddingPainters.com you will be able to find an artist who fits your preferred style by searching for them depending on location, style or price.
Your ideal wedding painter can then be contacted through our website directly, to book a date for your wedding.
Even if you missed out on having a live wedding painter, our talented artists are ready to create stunning post-wedding portraits that beautifully capture your most cherished moments! Checkout our portrait artists page.
A live wedding painter create a timeless masterpiece on your special day, capturing the essence of your love in a work of art that will endure for a lifetime. Just like the love you share!
As your live wedding painter brings your love story to life, your guests will be enchanted by the unique blend of celebration and creativity, adding a magical touch to your wedding day.
There’s something truly heartwarming about watching each precious moment being painted before your eyes – a memory that will stay with you forever!