Live Wedding Painting by Linda

Artist: Site Sponsored

About: Linda is a professional artist specializing in custom wedding and event paintings. She is passionate about capturing precious moments, listens carefully to her clients, and pours her heart and soul into each piece, making her work highly sought after.

Willing to Travel: United States

Artist Location: Branford, Connecticut

Price Range $4800+


From the initial discovery call to the final touches, Linda ensures each painting is uniquely crafted from her heart. She carefully listens to clients’ ideas and visions, infusing their love story into the artwork. For live paintings, Linda prepares by sketching daily and requesting photos of the couple for preliminary drawings. She sets up her easel and canvas at the venue about 2 hours before the ceremony or reception, capturing the moment with acrylic paints in real time. Guests can watch the painting evolve, adding an interactive element to the celebration.

After the event, Linda refines the painting in her studio, enhancing details with oil paints. This process takes 12-40 hours, depending on the complexity. She sends progress photos for feedback, applies a protective varnish, and offers framing services. Each finished painting is carefully packaged for hand-delivery, studio pick-up, or shipped in a deluxe customized box.

For more information about Linda’s process visit her personal live wedding painting website.

Please note that the information provided here about live wedding painter Linda on this website is for promotional purposes only. We do not endorse or guarantee the quality or services of any US artist listed, nor do we receive any compensation from them. All arrangements and agreements are made directly between the client and Linda.

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